Terms & Conditions
The terms and conditions below are set out to help you enjoy and benefit from your Tewin Pilates classes.
Classes start on time so out of consideration for the teacher and other class members, please arrive five minutes before your class starts. The warm-up is an important aspect of each class and essential for your own safety.
It is the clients responsibility to report any injuries before the class starts.
Please remember to switch off your mobile phone.
Clients should wear stretchy comfortable clothing, layers are best. For health & safety reasons, all clients are required to wear socks.
Plan ahead and eat at least an hour before your Pilates session (2 hours if it’s a big meal) so you are energised (and not lethargic), when attending your class.
Please avoid alcohol before class.
Before starting classes with Tewin Pilates, an online enrolment form must be completed. Please ensure you update your contact and medical details or goals/aims if they change.
Classes run as complete courses, this ensures we get to know everyone’s body and can safely and progressively develop everyone.
Payment is in advance of term by online bank transfer. Please email for bank account details
If bank transfer is not appropriate, then cash or cheques at your first class are fine, thank you.
Our classes are not ‘drop-in’ or ‘pay-as-you-go’ and are run as a 12-15 week course (varying according to bank holidays/school term dates) which we align with. We are a small business and offer small sized classes; this ensures everyone gets maximum attention and guidance. It also enables each teacher to get to know clients as individuals and be familiar with everyone’s needs and health issues; we are then able to offer alternative exercises where necessary. For short term injuries, please inform your teacher before class so your requirements can be met.
Because class sizes are small, our financial margins are more critical than with large gym businesses. At gyms, classes are often large and can be booked on an individual basis due to guaranteed monthly gym fees. We have block booking venue fees and hourly teaching rates to manage regardless of individual non-attendance and so we cannot offer a payg facility. If you are looking for payg, then larger gym classes may be a better fit for you.
If you are looking to take a break of absence from your classes for a half or full term due to other commitments, and want to return to your existing preferred class; then we require you to pre-book your place by paying in advance for the next half or full term that you wish to return; otherwise we cannot guarantee your place if it is wanted by new starters or existing clients needing to change classes. Absence due to long term injuries or impending medical operations can be discussed on an individual basis with your teacher.
We use an online ‘Classswap’ system. If you are going to be absent from your normal class during a term, you can cancel this class and use the subsequent credit issued to your classswap account to swap immediately into another class where there is space; or you can keep that credit to catch up at a later time. There are 20 classes every week, 16 of which are mixed ability, one Gentle Pilates and one live zoom class; so plenty to choose from. Alternatively you can request the zoom class recording for that week; or attend the weekly live zoom class.
Credits not used by the end of term cannot be used in exchange for holiday classes. Holiday classes are completely separate from term classes. Classswap credits not used for reasons of injury or illness at the end of term may be carried over to the following term with prior agreement. Please discuss this with your teacher. Unused credits for other reasons such as holidays etc cannot be carried over. When a holiday is impending during term time, please use the swap board to use your credits before you go, or when you return: whichever is more appropriate.
Catch up classes cannot be booked with Classswap unless the client has booked and paid for the block in which they wish to take a catch up class. Clients can also book extra individual classes charged at £12 per class, this is subject to available space.
All classes have 9 permanent places. Places in classes cannot be reserved until full payment is received as there is often a waiting list. Before the course ends you will be invited to re-enrol for the following course, however if your payment has not been received by the first class or on the day, your place will be offered to the next person waiting to join.
Any classes missed in a block cannot be refunded separately.
If you are unable to attend the next block please let us know as soon as you can, so we can offer your place to someone else waiting to join.
Holiday classes are during the main term holidays on a reduced timetable, and sometimes during half-term as well. These are bookable in advance and payment is made at the class. Cancellations must be made 24 hours in advance as these classes are very popular and usually have waiting lists. Late cancels are subject to charge.
During the summer months there are also weekly outdoor classes available, subject to the weather. Same booking/cancellation regulations apply.
All physio referred will need to have a one-on-one assessment. These individual sessions are also available for new starters who will like an introduction to Pilates before joining a class. The cost of this is £40 an hour or £60 for 2 clients.
All private lessons must be cancelled with a minimum of 24-hours notice; otherwise the private lesson will be payable in full.
CONTACT JULIE for further information
Jules: 07788 648438 Email : juleskimber@icloud.com